從來都不了解祖父母的愛。爺爺七十歲生我爸,當然等不到我這個孫女出來已經魂歸天國。嬤嬤在我很小的時候也過世了, 聽說因為我是女的她有點失望(因為機械照出來我是男的),但因為我太可愛了太會逗她笑,她也十分疼愛。當然,這些我一點兒也不記得。
外婆不在香港, 沒見幾次面也走了。至於外公...我想連我媽也沒感受過他的愛。在那個離婚還未普及的年代,他跟外婆離婚了。
The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.
I'm kinda awed at the fact that your grandpapa had ur dad when he was 70... thats old XO
ditto what Andy just said...thats old 0口0
(sorry for ruining the sentimental atmosphere)
abraham was 100 when he had isaac.
To elaborate, my grandpa had 3 wives, 18 children and I heard he had a braid. My dad is the youngest son and that's why my grandpa was so old when he was born! He's a legend in the family tree lol
18 children!? =口=!?
Was your grandpa really rich???
He was rich...but after the war he became really poor because all his money got stolen!
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